Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Reyes, Krekorian to Hold Joint Meeting on Murals

Jeremy Oberstein (213) 473-7002 (Krekorian)
Monica Valencia (213) 473-7001 (Reyes)

LOS ANGELES – Councilmembers Ed P. Reyes and Paul Krekorian will hold a special joint meeting Wednesday, Oct. 12, to continue charting a course for the future of murals in the City of Los Angeles. Krekorian, Chair of the Arts, Parks & Neighborhoods Committee, and Reyes, Chair of the Planning & Land Use Management Committee, will hold the joint session at 3:30 p.m. in the Board of Public Works Room 350, Los Angeles City Hall, 200 N. Spring St., Los Angeles 90012.

The two committees will discuss amending the City's sign code to permit murals on private property. At issue is a May 2002 ordinance approved by the City Council that amended regulations governing prohibited signs to include Supergraphic Signs, Inflatable Devices and Murals Signs. The City Council is crafting an ordinance, consistent with the First Amendment, that permits fine art murals on private property, and thus restores Los Angeles as the "mural capital of the world."

During Wednesday's meeting, the City's Cultural Affairs and Planning departments will deliver a presentation(attached) on possible avenues for mural permitting. Their presentation is the result of ongoing meetings with muralists, art organizations and other stakeholders.

Who: Councilmember Ed P. Reyes, Chair, Planning & Land Use Management Committee;
Councilmember Paul Krekorian, Chair, Arts, Parks & Neighborhoods Committee

What: The City Council's Arts, Parks & Neighborhoods Committee and Planning & Land Use Management Committee will hold a joint meeting to discuss permitting art murals in Los Angeles.

Where: Public Works Room 350, Los Angeles City Hall, 200 N. Spring St., Los Angeles 90012.

When: Wednesday, Oct. 12, 2011, 3:30 p.m.

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