Tour de MacArthur Park
Councilmember Reyes joined the Los Angeles County Bicycle Coalition at MacArthur Park today to help hand out free bicycle lights to people pedaling by on their way to work. The event, on Car-Free Friday, was part of the Coalition's new "City of Lights" program targeting L.A.'s vibrant Latino bicycle community. "Countless residents traverse the City’s congested streets daily on bicycles to get to work,” said Reyes. Sporting eco-friendly bike button on his suit lapel, the Councilman helped a local cyclist secure a blinking safety light on his bicycle. "Many ride their bicycles more out of necessity than recreation. The safety of our City’s bicyclists, especially in my district, is just as important as that of our drivers and pedestrians. We need to do everything in our power to ensure their safety. That’s why programs such as City of Lights are so important.” Today's event was the latest in Reyes' efforts to make L.A. more bike-friendly . These include legislation that has led to the moratorium on the Bicycle License Law and a City Council motion prioritizing bicycling in the City's congested streets and along the Los Angeles River. "With the City of Lights program, as well as other upcoming events such as the Los Angeles River Ride in June, we hope to encourage bike safety, as well as promote the environmental, health and recreational benefits of riding bicycles."
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