Friday, February 27, 2009

Community Pride Day 2009

Councilmember Reyes rounded up more than 2,000 volunteers for Community Pride Day Saturday to clean and green the First District. Armed with brooms, bags and paint brushes, volunteers fanned out across 18 sites from Pico-Union to MacArthur Park to Cypress Park and Highland Park to beautify their neighborhoods. Later, they joined Councilmember Reyes at the Environmental Services Fair in Highland Park where they were rewarded with free food, entertainment and a raffle for an Ipod.

Thank you to everyone who participated in the team effort clean-up! A special thank you to the Department of Transportation, Clean and Green, Adult Corps and Water Conservation organizations. Through your hard work, we achieved the numbers below:

1-Clean Up: 26.88 Tons of trash and bulky items
2-Alleys: 101 alleys were cleaned. A total of 439 cubic yards of debris and bulky items were collected.
3-Asphalt Repairs: 1,082 repairs completed within grids.
4-Two utilitarian lights installation. One at 115 S. Avenue 56 and the second at 1939 Estrella Avenue (by Department of Water and Power)
5-Red curves re-painted at Harvard Heights, Hope and Peace Park and Budlong Tunnel areas.
6-One hundred and thirty fruit trees were adopted out of the Million Tree Program and additional 150 fruit trees are to be planted to complete beautification projects in the next two weeks.
7-One hundred bags of mulch were given away.
8-Mural restoration at MacArthur Park.